Announcement: Beginning in 2019 and continuing until further notice there will not be a Glo Run event.

☼ The Glo Run takes place rain or shine! ☼

►Click here for the course map◄

Tired of always doing your walks or runs during the day? Grab your glow sticks and your favorite neon headband and join us for a 5k so fun that you’ll wish it was longer! This course is a fun run event illuminated by black lights throughout Evergreen Park. Proceeds benefit local charity organizations.

Please direct any questions to

Past Event Info

Date Location Charities Donation More
Saturday, September 22, 2018 Evergreen Park Shaw Family Playground — The mission is to create a playground in Sheboygan County that will be 100% accessible to all people. We will create an environment to allow each child, regardless of ability, to interact in unorganized play alongside their peers. Learn more at $1330 Facebook event

Donation presentation

Friday, September 29, 2017 Evergreen Park Shaw Family Playground — The mission is to create a playground in Sheboygan County that will be 100% accessible to all people. We will create an environment to allow each child, regardless of ability, to interact in unorganized play alongside their peers. Learn more at $2000 Event photos
Friday, September 23, 2016 Evergreen Park The Tee Box — This organization takes in a maximum of 5 men who have recently been released from prison or jail and gives them a place to live for 3 months. The goal to break the recidivism cycle and help these men in their journey to recovery and becoming contributing members of our community.

Shaw Family Playground — The mission is to create a playground in Sheboygan County that will be 100% accessible to all people. We will create an environment to allow each child, regardless of ability, to interact in unorganized play alongside their peers. Learn more at

$1500 for The Tee Box and $1500 for the Shaw Family Playground Event photos
Friday, September 18, 2015 Evergreen Park The Tee Box — This organization takes in a maximum of 5 men who have recently been released from prison or jail and gives them a place to live for 3 months. The goal to break the recidivism cycle and help these men in their journey to recovery and becoming contributing members of our community. $700.00 Event photos
September 12, 2014
Evergreen Park Labor of Love — The mission of Labor of Love Counseling Center is to provide low cost mental health counseling and educational programs to clients affected by violent behaviors, abuse, and mental health issues. They offer programs and seminars to community members to increase awareness of mental health issues and violent behaviors and also make our community a safer place to live, work, and play.
Learn more at
September 6, 2013
Evergreen Park Camp Evergreen — Camp Evergreen enriches the lives of children and adults with cognitive and other disabilities, as well as the lives of their families and care-providers, by offering accessible, compassion-driven, respite care, day services, and summer camp programming.
Learn more at